During the last several months, millions upon millions of people have had to make the switch from working in traditional brick and mortar workplaces to work-at-home environments. In addition to this, hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers have transitioned from schools to virtual learning environments. This all stems from the COVID-19 pandemic that started… Read More…
Garage Flooring
4 Ways A New Garage Floor Can Transform the Functionality and Appeal of Your Garage
Throughout history, the garage has been viewed as an area with the sole intent and purpose of parking vehicles, storing lawn maintenance items, and placing excess items from the household. While general functionality was given thought, concern with aesthetic appeal was not. In the past decade, though, garages have been transformed into more than just… Read More…
3 Amazingly Affordable Garage Flooring Options
Updating the garage floor is a fun and exciting way to add a little appeal to the home. However, many opt out of indulging in the task due to the immense expense associated with the project. If you are like most, you probably have very little experience in choosing a garage floor, or even know… Read More…