Is It Worth It to Coat Your Garage Floor?

If you choose an epoxy-based garage floor coating, the material will protect the concrete from moisture intrusion, stains left behind from chemicals such as oil, grease, and even the development of cracks. Over time, this increases the longevity of your garage floor.

Additionally, it aids in saving money on standard cleaning and the overall maintenance needed to sustain the floor. Epoxy garage floor coatings are priced within reason and offer an immense amount of protection. In short, yes, it is completely worth it to coat your garage floor. Continue reading to learn more. 

Should I Lay My Own Epoxy Flooring in My Garage?

While it is true that it is possible to place epoxy flooring on your garage on your own, it is not advised – unless you hold the expertise. Doing it yourself and not doing it properly – which is easy to do when you lack experience – could actually result in damaging your flooring.

If not properly laid, epoxy could dry very sticky which will ruin the overall appearance and functionality of the garage floor. If you want a garage floor coating, you should have a professional do the work. Not only will it look fantastic and retain its overall functionality, you have many options in customizing the flooring, such as paint and chip color integration. 

What Are the Best Flooring Options for Garages?

In terms of the best type of garage floor coatings, the following rank in the top 5:

  1. Epoxy Flooring
  2. Polished Concrete Flooring
  3. Stone Flooring
  4. Vinyl Flooring
  5. Rubber Tile Flooring

Epoxy flooring is considered to be the absolute best. It offers the highest level of resistance against chemicals, additional weight, weather, traffic, and more. Additionally, it lends the highest level of protection for the concrete, itself. This means if you have concrete flooring, you are less likely to observe damage such as cracks and corrosion when an epoxy floor coating is placed over it. 

Is Epoxy That Is Placed on a Garage Floor Permanent?

Yes, epoxy is a permanent substance. It is a type of glue that is designed to result in a long-lasting bond. While it MAY be removed in the future, it is not an easy endeavor. Unless you are a professional, you should avoid attempting to remove epoxy once it has been placed on the floor. 

Can You Put Epoxy on Cracked Concrete?

In most instances where there are cracks in the concrete, there are repairs made that fill the crack with new concrete; however, if you want to skip this step and go straight to laying an epoxy floor coating, you may. To successfully cover the crack, you will need to ensure that the epoxy flooring has integrated paint and vinyl chips. 

Contact Us Today 

Now is a great time to revamp your garage floor. We here at Concrete Coatings of the South encourage you to call us today to set up an appointment. We can evaluate your space and walk you through all of the options you have available to you in terms of garage floor coatings. We may be reached at: 706-249-4131