Factory Floor Safety Strategies

In the past couple of decades, significant improvements have occurred in factory safety; however, manufacturing is still considered to be an exceptionally dangerous industry. Injuries that have occurred on factory floors across the United States have resulted in lawsuits, reduced productivity, the development of low employee morale, and even closures.

While it is nearly impossible to prevent every single possible accident that could occur on a factory floor, there are steps that may be taken to have a significant impact on the safety of the area. In this guide, you will be introduced to a few of the most effective factory floor safety strategies.

  1. Training

In order to ensure that health and safety protocols and procedures are adhered to, you must make your employees aware of them. This is made possible through proper training. All individuals that work in your factory should know what the signage and floor markings you use in your facility mean.

They should be alerted to the areas within the facility that are particularly hazardous. If any changes occur in these protocols and procedures, all employees should be alerted immediately. By properly training your employees, you are optimizing the overall safety of your factory.

  1. Signage and Markings

In order to boost the overall safety of your factory floor, it is critical that you have signage and floor markings in place. This will help draw the attention of those that work on the floor and alert to any potential dangers associated with the floor.

  1. Cleaning, Maintenance, and Repairs

Most factory floors are composed of concrete. In order to ensure optimal safety, you must regularly clean and maintain the flooring by using the appropriate products. If any complications arise – such as uneven flooring or cracks – you should have the issue repaired immediately. Even a small crack could cause a fall that results in serious injuries.

  1. Sealant

Concrete is highly porous. If chemicals or other substances are spilled on the flooring, it could result in slips, trips, and falls. If you are seeking to improve the overall safety of your floor, it is essential that you have a professional come in and seal it.

In most instances, an epoxy-based sealant is placed. Not only will this enhance the aesthetics of your factory, it will help in reducing the possibility for slips and falls. Additionally, it will also boost the lifespan of your flooring.

  1. Post Best Practices

Most individuals who are experienced in a factory setting will have a good working knowledge of how to keep their work area clean and safe; however, there are many who are not aware of safety tips that can help prevent accidents.

Because of this, you should post a “Best Practices” list. Simply set a few safety policies, outline the regulations of OSHA, and post information regarding safety awareness.

Contact Us Today

Do you need your factory floor repaired? Would you like to integrate a safety coating that will aid in preventing workplace accidents? Are you ready to provide a boost to your facility?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, contact us here at Concrete Coatings of the South for more information by calling: 706-249-4131