5 Reasons Concrete Flooring is Trending Among Homeowners

It is a common misconception that concrete flooring is only appropriate for garages, outdoor living areas, and basements. Today, it is considered to be a stylish and highly-durable option for standard indoor flooring throughout the home.Home With Trendy Concrete Floor

The surface options, the endurance level, and the easy to clean surfaces associated with concrete floors are now making this type of flooring highly revered among homeowners.

Continue reading to learn the top 5 reasons why concrete is now trending among homeowners as an ideal option for flooring throughout residential structures.

Reason #1: Low Cost

Traditional flooring options such as tile, carpet, and hardwood are currently priced exceptionally high. Concrete flooring – on the other hand – typically costs somewhere in the range of just a few dollars for each square foot.

In addition to this, the installation, maintenance, and long-term costs associated with concrete is significantly lower than the installation, maintenance, and long-term costs associated with traditional flooring.

Not only are the general costs of concrete flooring lower, but it helps to increase the overall value of the home to a much higher amount than traditional flooring systems.

Reason #2: Color Options

Unlike traditional tiles, hardwoods, and carpets that come pre-designed with standard colors, concrete flooring has a wide range of color options – many of which can be completely customized to match the décor and theme of the rooms throughout the home.

You may choose from the following options when selecting the color of your concrete flooring: 

  • Colored Hardener – This is a product that is added to freshly-laid concrete in order to provide a distinguished color on the surface of the flooring.
  • Dyes – If you are in the market for a personalized color or a beautifully vibrant shade of a color, a dye may be mixed into the concrete as it is being poured on your floor.
  • Integrated Coloring – When the concrete is being mixed to be poured to create your indoor flooring, it may be combined with a wide variety of colors through an integrated coloring process to create a gorgeous floor that will instantly enhance the appearance of any room.
  • Paint – If you so desire, once a base concrete floor has been put into place in your home, the top surface may be painted with any color that you like to match the theme and décor of the room.
  • Stains – To create a unique, slip-resistant, and highly appealing translucent finish, stain may be poured on top of the concrete flooring.

Reason #3: Surface Choices

If you are in the process of redoing your floors, it is likely that you are attempting to achieve a certain look or create a certain feel inside of your home.

With concrete flooring, you can do just that. There are a multitude of surface choices available. These include polished, troweled, gritty, stamped, scored, and smooth.

Reason #4: Types of Concrete Flooring

The next reason that concrete flooring is trending among homeowners is because there are – currently – two different types.

You may choose from the existing concrete slab in your home to be treated for decorative appeal, or you may choose from a decorative concrete overlay over the traditional flooring that you already have in your home. Either way provides you with the ability to create a beautiful floor that will last for a long time.

Reason #5: Concrete Flooring is Environmentally Friendly

Concrete is a material that does not deplete any of the earth’s natural resources. During production, it requires less energy that traditional flooring. It also inhibits the growth of mold and mildew.

Furthermore, it has the ability to minimize the amount of climate control that is needed in the home; therefore, reducing energy costs.

Get Your Concrete Floor

As you can see, there are many advantages to opting for concrete flooring. We here at Concrete Coatings of the South offer a variety of concrete coating services that will enhance the appearance, durability, and overall value if your home.

If you are ready to learn more or to set up an appointment for your new flooring, contact us today by calling: 706-249-4131